Stiftung EBWK

Stiftung EBWK

Mittwoch, 28. April 2010

Bachelor and Master

The new creative approach

strolling up wikipedia 2010

Perhaps the most famous negotiation parable involves an argument over an orange. The most obvious approach was to simply cut it in half, each person getting a fair share. But, when the negotiators began talking to each other, exchanging information about their interests, a better solution to the problem became obvious. The person wanting the orange for juice for breakfast took that part and the person wanting the rind for making marmalade took that part. Both sides ended up with more. Neither agreement is particularly creative. approach der Ansatz, der Denkansatz// exchanging das Wechseln// neither   adj.keiner | keine | keines //    

The parable of the orange becomes a story about creativity when both parties decide to cooperate in planting an orange tree or even an orchard. In a similar way, Boeing buys composite plastic wings for its new 787 Dreamliner designed and manufactured by Japanese suppliers, and then sells the completed 787s back to Japanese airlines, all with a nice subsidy from the Japanese government. This is what is meant by creativity in negotiations. At business schools these days much is being learned about creative processes. Courses are offered and dissertations proffered with "innovation" as the key buzz word at academic conferences and in corporate boardrooms. even   adv.gar// composite   adj.zusammengesetzt// supplier der Ausrüster// subsidy finanzielle Unterstützung// buzz word das Modewort// dissertation der Vortrag// to proffer sth. etw. Akk. anbieten

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